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Open Data Maturity Report 2024

The Open Data Maturity (ODM) assessment is an annual exercise conducted to measure the progress of European countries in promoting and facilitating the availability and reuse of public sector information. The four dimensions of open data maturity include (1) the level of development of national policies promoting open data, (2) the features and data made available on national data portals, (3) the quality of the metadata on national data portals, and (4) initiatives to monitor the reuse and impact of open data. Find below an overview of the EU Member States results, scores for all participating countries, and links to download the report, method paper, country factsheets, and accompanying questionnaire data.

Since its launch in 2015, has been the main point of access at the EU level to public sector information published across Europe. The portal aims to improve access to open data, as well as to foster both high-quality open data publication and the reuse of open data to create impact. Within this remit, conducts an annual landscaping exercise of European countries on their ODM. Participation is voluntary, and the scope of the assessment includes the EU Member States, European Free Trade Association (EFTA) countries and candidate countries for EU membership. The purpose of the ODM assessment is to evaluate the development of countries in making public sector information available and stimulating its reuse. The landscaping exercise offers a benchmarking and learning tool for use at both the national and European levels. The results of the assessment support countries in better understanding their relative level of maturity compared with other countries. The results also capture year-on-year developments in countries’ ODM and help in identifying areas for improvement. Furthermore, the exercise also results in evidence-based recommendations on the activities that European countries could adopt to increase their ODM.

The data for the ODM assessment is collected through a voluntary self-assessment questionnaire sent to national open data representatives. This is done in collaboration with the European Commission and the Expert Group on Public Sector Information. Most questions have a predefined list of response options (e.g. ‘Yes’ or ‘No’) from which the respondents select. In addition, most questions request additional supporting information, such as a URL linking to relevant material or a description of related activities. Questions for which data from 2023 was available were prefilled in the questionnaire, enabling survey respondents to confirm if last year’sresponse was still valid or provide a new response. This feature was newly introduced to support year-on-year consistency in responses.