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Centre for Research and Technology Hellas

The Centre for Research and Technology Hellas (CERTH) is one of the largest research centres in Greece, founded in 2000 in Thessaloniki, Greece. The mission of CERTH is to promote the triplet Research – Development – Innovation by conducting high quality scientific research and developing innovative products and services while building strong partnerships with industry (national and international) and strong collaborations with research centres and universities in Greece and abroad.
Role in the project:

The Visual Computing Lab (VCL) of CERTH’s Information Technologies Institute is the coordinator of the project and leader of the technical Workpackage WP4. CERTH contributes to all WPs acting both as a research and technology provider and a coordinator.

French Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission

The French Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission (CEA) is a key player in research, development and innovation in four main areas: defence and security, low carbon energies (nuclear and renewable energies), technological research for industry, fundamental research in the physical sciences and life sciences.​
Role in the project:

CEA will provide its expertise in data management including collection, pre-processing, analytics, and visualisation both in scientific research and technology development, as well as end users and impact facilitators with deep domain knowledge.


CENTAI’s mission is to push the boundaries of applied and foundational research in domains related to Artificial Intelligence and Complex Systems sciences. We aim at innovating beyond the state of the art in these fields, pursuing blue-sky research and developing trustworthy, fair, green, and sustainable methodologies. Our theoretical endeavors are flanked by applied research projects, targeting some of today's most pressing societal challenges.
Role in the project:

CENTAI will lead activities related to data protection and trustworthy AI. CENTAI will coordinate the definition of a methodology and the provision of technology and organisational measures to protect the personal data identified in WP2.


Vicomtech is a private non-profit research centre based in San Sebastian and Bilbao, Spain, specializing in Artificial Intelligence, Visual Computing, and Interaction. Established as a foundation, its primary mission is to address the Applied Research, Development, and Innovation needs of businesses and institutions. The centre aims to help organizations tackle new financial and social challenges and improve their competitiveness in the global marketplace.

Role in the project:

Vicomtech will lead the integration of WP4 technologies to detect and correlate fraud/corruption operations using cross-modal retrieval for contextualizing information. They will also enhance their Kriptosare solution for detecting crypto fraud by creating a transparent system based on graph analysis and AI to identify patterns and anomalies indicating illicit activities, including corruption and money laundering.

TREBE Language Technologies S.L.

TREBE Language approach involves applying suitable technology to mitigate risks affecting organizations and adapting to the structure of each possible data source. Their expertise covers various sectors, including Industrial Cybersecurity, support for security organizations and forces, protection of sensitive information in the medical sector, detection of suspicious patterns in the financial world, biometric techniques, and analysis of security on the internet and the Dark Web.

Role in the project:

TREBE will be using automatic speech recognition technologies to detect fake content in order to prevent fraud and corruption. More specifically, TREBE will focus on speech enhancement, denoising, and voice isolation technologies (all language agnostic technologies), with the goal of improving the transcription quality.

Brandenburgisches Institut für Gesellschaft und Sicherheit

The Brandenburg Institute for Society and Security (BIGS) is an independent, non-partisan non-profit institute in Potsdam, Germany with the mission of building bridges between theory and practice to improve civil security. BIGS seeks to analyze security issues from an interdisciplinary perspective and to supply needed insights, while at the same time strengthening Germany's and Europe's broader security architecture.The focus is on economic issues relating to security (economics of security).
Role in the project:

BIGS applies econometric methods to identify data traces and patterns of corrupion (detection). Data is contrasted with publicly available and comparable data from other countries to identify significant differences hinting at possible corrupt practices. Furthermore, BIGS computes correlations, i.e. the impact of corruption on economic indicators (evaluation).

Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel

Kiel University (CAU), located in Germany and founded in 1665, excels in addressing societal, environmental, and health challenges through research and teaching. With 27,500 students and 3,700 staff, it fosters interdisciplinary collaboration in four dynamic priority research areas: Marine Science, Life Science, Societal and Cultural Change, and Nano Surface & Interface Science. Dedicated to peace and prosperity, CAU is driven by the motto “Pax Optima Rerum: peace is the most valuable asset,” aiming for a sustainable future for all.
Role in the project:

With deep expertise in social science and corruption research, CAU spearheads the creation of an impact assessment framework. Collaborating closely with partners, they will employ mixed methodologies, including detailed surveys and advanced simulations, to evaluate AI technologies' scalability and effectiveness in anti-corruption efforts.

Insiel S.p.A. Informatica per il Sistema degli Enti Locali

Insiel, originally established in the 1970’s to develop and implement a complete information system for the Friuli-Venezia Giulia Region, is entirely owned by the Friuli-Venezia Giulia Regional Authority. Insiel is in charge of the design, development, assistance and maintenance of the whole Regional Information System, which includes: Local Administration as Municipalities, Provinces, Public Bodies, Central Regional Administration, Healthcare Authorities

Role in the project:

Insiel, as ICT provider of the Friuli Venezia Giulia Region, will coordinate and provide technological support on the Italian pilot focused on increasing transparency and improving controls of the Nation RRP management. Moreover, Insiel will coordinate the three CEDAR pilots.

SNEP d.o.o., PE GreenTwin

GreenTwin is a Digital Twin that controls and manages assets from the machine to the entire company – the next step towards smart, sustainable management and Industry 4.0. Our mission is to transform large, complex business facilities and processes into a 3D digital mode so users can see, understand, and manage such businesses and facilities, quickly and effectively. It reduces the human factor and acts as a co-pilot for management, energy, maintenance, and production managers. Real-time 3D Digital Twin enables facility, and asset management, energy, CO2 monitoring and OEE, ESG.

Role in the project:

Goal is to digitalise procurement process for low-value tenders in the Slovenian Healthcare sector. Our role is to digitalise existing tenders and bids from General hospital Celje’s archive and to develop pilot-specific components, APIs and dashboards needed for the integration and validation. We will tie the ordered works to object or place, in order to identify possible duplication and risk of corruption


YouControl is a leading Ukrainian IT company with a 9-year track record in the open data market. Our mission is to foster international cooperation by ensuring transparency in the business environment. Our products allow users to quickly verify any company in Ukraine, individual entrepreneurs, or citizens using over 220 public data sources; analyze the market, find clients, and reliable partners for cooperation; investigate international cooperation for the presence of toxic connections with sanctioned and political figures.

Role in the project:

YC is the leader of the pilot “Transparent management of foreign aid for rebuilding Ukraine”. Our role in the pilot: Collect, model, harmonise, and utilise multiple complex data sources. Create a solution for multi-factor risk analysis of legal entities and key individuals behind them to find potential links to Russia and identify bids with a high risk for corruption. Develop an automated system for identifying legal grounds for disqualifying participants in public procurement.


Artellence is one of a few dozen companies in the world that has learned how to deeply analyze open big data. The company solves complex OSINT tasks for state structures of Ukraine, creates tools for verification of counterparties based on open information, and launches joint socially significant projects. Artellence analyzed billions of pages and profiles on the internet, developed its facial recognition system, built NLP algorithms for analyzing the meaning of texts, and created models for structuring heterogeneous big data.

Role in the project:

The company’s role in CEDAR covers: - developing the tool (jointly with YouControl) that will reveal the probability of potential corruption links in governmental tenders; - this tool will extensively utilize AI, and machine learning algorithms to squeeze insights from open big data; - predictive metrics on potential corruption links in governmental tenders will be provided as an output.

Institute for Corporative Security Studies

ICS is a non-government research institute with a vision to create, promote, and share top-level knowledge and processes in the area of corporate security. With a range of professional services, ICS helps public and private organisations to comprehensively manage the entire spectrum of security risks in business and other environments, creating a safer and richer future for the users, and beyond.

Role in the project:

ICS brings the knowledge and experience in the security domain to undertake two key responsibilities, namely (1) coordinate the pilot in Slovenia focused on increasing transparency in the healthcare sector, and (2) ensure security of the newly developed solutions through a comprehensive and continuous risk assessment and penetration tests.

Engineering Ingegneria Informatica

Engineering is the Digital Transformation Company, leader in Italy and expanding its global footprint, with around 15,000 associates, with over 70 offices spread across Europe, the United States, and South America and global delivery.

Role in the project:

ENG is the technical coordinator of the project and leader of WP3. ENG will provide innovative solutions for data collection and cleaning, data and ML operations, and integration of the new data sources with CEDS, as well as develop innovative solutions for data analytics and machine learning.

Universidad Politécnica de Madrid

The Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM) is the largest technical university in Spain, devoted to technical and engineering studies, having about 41,000 students, 3,600 teaching and research staff, and 2,000 administrative and technical staff. UPM plays an important role in European research activities: it has been the largest Spanish public contractor to the European Commission (position kept in FP4, FP5, FP6, FP7 and H2020) . Most of the international R&D activities performed by IT Spanish companies have been seeded by UPM.

Role in the project:

UPM will be the CEDAR Scientific Coordinator and will coordinate the modelling and harmonization of the different datasets being used in the project. To this end, UPM will apply its previous experience in knowledge graphs and semantic-based technologies.


UBITECH is a leading, highly innovative software house, systems integrator and technology provider, established to provide leading edge intelligent technical solutions and consulting services to businesses, organizations and government in order to allow the efficient and effective secure access and communication with various heterogeneous information resources and services, anytime and anywhere. It enables real-time valid information processing and decision-making, the realization of intelligent business environments with high added-value business software services.

Role in the project:

UBITECH coordinates the identification and definition of the open and proprietary data sources, repositories and collections to be used in the project, which will further guide the design of CEDAR data flows within the conceptual architecture and the development of CEDAR Data- and ML- Ops, as well as the data to be shared / integrated with existing CEDS.


Netcompany-Intrasoft (NCI) is a leading European IT Solutions and Services Group with strong international presence and expertise, offering innovative and added-value solutions of the highest quality to a wide range of international and national public and private organizations. It employs more than 3,200 highly skilled professionals and with headquarters in Luxembourg it operates through its operational branches, subsidiaries and offices in 10 countries.

Role in the project:

Netcompany-Intrasoft (NCI) will guide the development and integration of the CEDAR components and services through a detailed time- and responsibility-wise development and integration plan for the delivery of each technology and integration endpoint, along with the testing cycles to verify their correct functioning. NCI will define the interface specifications (APIs) and ensure the correct interoperability and functionality of all the modular tools.

Friuli Venezia Giulia autonomous Region

Friuli Venezia Giulia autonomous Region is a territorial public authority with autonomous powers and functions with a special status with unique forms and conditions of legislative, administrative and financial autonomy. The administrative organization of the Region is divided into Directorates and Services that serve primary organizational needs; they are made up of regional offices to carry out functionally homogeneous and complementary activities to achieve joint programming, promotion and research, orientation and intervention and flexible structures to contingent needs.

Role in the project:

FVG manages an its own public procurement data platform that is used by most of municipalities and public administrations in the region. FVG will provide data and cooperate with scientific and technical partners on joint data analysis strategies and in particular on Italian case study on public tenders corruption prevention.


ANCE Friuli Venezia Giulia is the Regional Association of construction industrialists belonging - at national level - to ANCE, which represents the professional interests of the sector in relations with regional institutions and administrations, with political, economic, trade union, social organizations and with any other regional component of society.

Role in the project:

ANCE will collect insights describing critical events and situations, to define testing scenarios and roles, to propose significant KPI and metrics. ANCE will support piloting activities (setup and evaluation) as domain experts.

Regional Agency for Environmental Protection of Friuli Venezia Giulia

Arpa FVG is the Regional Agency for Environmental Protection of Friuli Venezia Giulia. ARPA is a public law body responsible of technical activities for environmental supervision and control, research and technical-scientific support activities, as well as for the provision of analysis and monitoring services related to health and environment.

Role in the project:

ARPA, as associated partner of CEDAR, will contribute to the Italian pilot, providing support on environmental aspects and data related to public procurements.

Ministry of the Interior, Police

In cooperation with individuals and communities, the Slovenian police ensures the safety of people and property, prevents, detects and investigates criminal acts, ensures public order, protects the national border and contributes to the safety of road traffic. This is not possible without advanced analytics solutions, including AI. That is why the Slovenian police pays great attention to their effective, ethical and legal use. Participation in the CEDAR project will contribute to increasing capacity and knowledge in this area.

Role in the project:

In the project, we will focus on advanced approaches to ensure transparent procurement management in Slovenian hospitals. In doing so, we will deal with providing and preparing data for analysis and using advanced approaches and techniques for searching suspicious financial transactions.

Ministry of Health; Office for Control, Quality and Investments in Healthcare of the Republic of Slovenia

The Office for Control, Quality, and Investments in Healthcare oversees administrative control in compliance with healthcare regulations. Responsibilities include selecting board members for healthcare institutions, proposing guidelines for their supervision, and suggesting performance criteria. The office strategically plans and monitors healthcare quality, conducts risk analyses, and proposes risk management solutions.

Role in the project:

We participate in the project as a state body that brings experience.

Ministry of Digital Transformation

The Ministry of Digital Transformation monitors and analyses the state of digital transformation and the information society at the national level. It is responsible for the areas of the information society, electronic communications, digital inclusion, digital competences, the data economy, management of information and communication systems, and the provision of electronic public administration services.

Role in the project:

In the project, we will focus on data policy and AI policy in data spaces. We also will help to find relevant datasets, and how to governance data in the project.

General hospital Celje

General hospital Celje is the third largest hospital in Slovenia. Providing comprehensive inpatient and outpatient care at the secondary level, but also at the primary and tertiary level, we organise healthcare services for an area with a population of approximately 300,000. We also operate in the field of education, training, and development and are a learning base for all levels of education in the health sector. We carry out and strengthen scientific and research activities, co-design health policy, and provide conditions for the personal and professional development of our employees.

Role in the project:

In the public procurement in Slovenia, low-value tenders (tenders for goods and services of value lower than 40.000 EUR, and for construction projects of value lower than 80.000 EUR) are specifically problematic. This is because such tenders are less regulated and consequently done in a less standardized manner. In the Slovenian healthcare sector, each hospital manages its low-value tenders with its practices, approaches, and technology (which is largely outdated). Each hospital publishes several such low-value tenders each day, without any schedule or a system in place. Most often, these are published in a PDF format on the hospital’s website. Bids are submitted over email, not through a procurement platform. Consequently, no real-time monitoring of procurement practices is possible, and any fraud analysis can only be done post-festum. This opens many opportunities for fraud.In the project, we will focus on advanced approaches to ensure transparent procurement management in Slovenian hospitals. In doing so, we will deal with providing and preparing data for analysis and using advanced approaches and techniques for searching suspicious financial transactions.

The State Agency for the Restoration and Development of Infrastructure of Ukraine (the Agency for Restoration)

The State Agency for the Restoration and Development of Infrastructure of Ukraine (the Agency for Restoration ) is a central executive body and which: 1) implements the state policy in the field of road economy and management of public roads of national importance; 2) implements the state policy in terms of implementation of measures for construction, repair, modernization of infrastructure, residential real estate, public purpose, industrial complex, social sphere, housing and communal services, improvement of settlements, household waste management, engineering, transport, energy infrastr

Role in the project:

In the project, we will focus on developing an automated system for verifying counterparties and ensuring greater transparency, efficiency and security of decisions regarding public procurement participants in recovery projects. Development of the system "Register of Business Partners of the Agency for Restoration and Affiliated Enterprises", which will reflect the results of their cooperation

Transparency International Deutschland e.V.

Transparency International Deutschland e.V., a national chapter of Transparency International, combats corruption, focusing on transparency in elections, administration, and business. Founded in 1993, it now has over 1200 members and primarily operates through volunteers. It actively lobbies for anti-corruption reforms, upholding values like integrity, accountability, and civil participation to raise public awareness about corruption's effects and strengthen integrity systems.

Role in the project:

Transparency International will act as domain experts on corruption, advising in the Italian, Ukrainian and Slovenian pilot studies and assessing the impact of these. It will further use its expertise to validate the data sets produced. As an already established entity in the field of anti-corruption efforts, it will disseminate the results.


The Centre for IT & IP Law (CiTiP) is a research center at the Faculty of Law and Criminology of the University of Leuven (KU Leuven), with currently a staff of over 85 researchers specialized in legal and ethical aspects of IT innovation and intellectual property. Researchers working at CITIP focus on the re-thinking the current legal framework, necessitated by the rapid evolution of technology.

Role in the project:

The Centre for IT & IP Law (CiTiP) contributes in the project as a legal and ethical partner. Providing its legal expertise CiTiP will contribte in know-how, best practices, standardisation and policy reccomendations, mainly engaged in WP7 by leading T7.3 and conducting a legal and ethical analysis of the project while simultaneously supporting the partners in different Work Packages. Also CiTiP acts as the Research Ethics Manager of CEDAR.

The Lisbon Council for Economic Competitiveness asbl

The Lisbon Council for Economic Competitiveness and Social Renewal asbl is a Brussels-based think tank and policy network. Established in 2003 in Belgium as a non-profit, non-partisan association, the group is dedicated to making a positive contribution through cutting-edge research and by engaging political leaders and the public at large in a constructive exchange about the economic and social challenges of the 21st century.
Role in the project:

The Lisbon Council leads the Work Package 6 as main vehicle for the CEDAR impact generation as well as to maximise the promotion and exploitation of the projects' Science and Innovation key results. This effort will also result in the realisation of an exploitation and sustainability plan, as well as a thorough assessment to evaluate the overall impact.

Arthur's Legal, Strategies & Systems

Arthur’s Legal, Strategies & Systems is the independent, global strategic legal firm & knowledge partner. It covers the unique combination of technology, strategy, impact, ethics & law focusing on (inter)national, regional and global strategy & policy aspects in this Digital Age. Expert Advisor to public and private Sector organisations within EU, EEA, UK, allies and friends (Digital Ecosystems, Data, IoT, AI, Robotics, Computing, Spectrum, Dynamic Attributes, Risk, Safety, Cybersecurity, Privacy, Trust, Dynamic Assurance, Digital Sovereignty & Accountability).

Role in the project:

Strategy, Ethics, Policy, Legal & Impact

DBC Diadikasia S.A.

DBC diadikasia offers advisory and research services in the framework of research projects and proposals under national and European research programmes such as HORIZON 2020. Our role is to support the transition process from research to innovation to market placement and to secure long and lasting impact of the results. Our product commercialisation roadmaps provide assessments of which markets first to address, what types of collaboration models to be adopted and which steps to be taken to support large scale roll-out of the prototype outcomes.

Role in the project:

IPR/Innovation Management Responsible for the exploitation and sustainability plan

SK Security

SK Security is a Ukrainian security consulting company that provides comprehensive security and risk management solutions to companies and organizations across industries. The company's customized services help clients identify, assess and manage risks to their assets, people and operations to ensure their protection and safe operations. SK Security has a strong reputation in the professional security and business communities and extensive expertise in risk intelligence, security analysis and anti-corruption investigations.

Role in the project:

SK Security contributes its expertise in security, open source intelligence and anti-corruption, as well as its networking capabilities, to ensure the formalization and consolidation of requirements in the planning phase. In later phases, it will support piloting activities and project promotion/ exploitation with pilot testing, evaluation and impact assessment.

Fund for Research of War, Conflicts, Support of Society and Security Development "Safe Ukraine 2030"

Non-profit non-governmental research organization with the focus on developing the security sphere in Ukraine and manage it as a comprehensive good. 35 SECURITY, LEGAL, FINANCIAL AND ECONOMIC AREAS, Involves best experts on justice and multiple security fields. 50+ EXPERTS AND PROFESSIONALS cooperating with the Platform - Ukrainian, European and World professionals specializing in security management. 120+ PROJECTS addressing areas of security management implemented by our founders and experts.

Role in the project:

Legal due diligence Policy-making Legislative amendments drafting Advocacy among state bodies Stakeholders engagement Strategy development for results scaling Results promotion